Saturday, December 26, 2009


A quick art once again. First time have done a surreal art....just this kinda image was comin to my mind... donno why but the rajput-mughal palace kinda domes and their artistic appeal have always been in my fascinations, and so this. Soft charcoal on A3 cartridge paper, around 20 mins.

Pls suggest a title frnz!!


el_idioto said...

black dome??

Rahul Khatri said...

@Rishi...he he...i donno whether the dome is black or no...but yeah charcoal is and so is my wrk!!

Rahul Khatri said...

@ayu...thnx for the compliment, i know m better wid sketches, colors is something i've started doing recently, m bad at it and hence am doing it, to improve^__^