Sunday, February 28, 2010

Colors of *Life* :)

Another Abstract, I love doing abstract art, especially when it rescues you when you do not have a clear concept in mind. It helps you read your mind, coz you may not be able to figure out what your mind speaks, but your hands and brush do that quite well!!:)

So rather, its the aftermath and the interpretation, that leads to understanding of subject, even to the creator( at least in my case, it is!!)

After completing this art, I realized that this picture has so much hidden in it, so many things that signify something. I realized, the colors I used represent five elements of Life, show the start of Life, somehow, can see the womb, from where the Life begins, with constant accompaniment of the Creator, the supreme, signified by the Tilak besides. In the womb, the soul taking the formation, Spirit coming to life, how wonderful!! Not only that, but the green color signifies nurture and nourishment, prosperity. There are so many things. And see, still its abstract. How strange isn't it!!:)

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Attempt to do some art work after long tym, but seems the painting just reflected the state of my mind!! I really donno what have I painted, agar aapko samjhe to bata dena:P My hands just painted my confused mind ..sigh...hope I can take right decision, follow my guts and go against the flow!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Padharo :)

Hey chocolate lover,

Welcome to my blog, I'm glad you liked it. Please feel free to give and kinda feed backs. Comments and suggestions are anticipated and gladly accepted.

Love and Peace,

[P.S. I'm sorry.. I forgot to post this yesterday!!]

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Ahem...Hold on guys...for the first time in the history of my 23 years of existence, on this day, I have attempted to write a poem!! he he

And guess what, I received my first Blog Award, and that too, "Valentine Award" he...thanks Ayu, made my day!! I would love to give some credit for inspiration for writing this poem too!! Here it goes,

" Winds that kissed her face
The legs that got the warm embrace

How lucky were they, he thought
That was something that he sought

There she sat facing the sea
where the sun looked like a pea

Closed were the eyes and dreams alive
Filled with love and joyous and bright

There was a wish within
If only she could see him

She opened her eyes to see around
Standing in front of her, him she found

In disbelief, she closed her eyes
He touched her face and there he sighed

She still couldnt believe he was there
Now the love was filled in the air

The moment stood still and hearts thumped
Hearts that spoke but lips were mum

He adored the beauty that she hold
Mouths were shut but everything was told

Eyes that speak and see through soul
Thats the gift that Lovers hold

They gazed and sighed for a while
Just to see a lovely smile

She closed her eyes to thank her God
Just to realize He was gone "

[P.S.- Image - Rondeau Is For Lovers by ~xkenzerx -]

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Lost in the taste of hOneY

Everyone is caught up in worldly activities. No thought is given to finding a solution. Man remains oblivious to the cycle of births and deaths, being foolish and ignorant under the sway of his mind.

- Guru Nanak Sahib

A king left his palace one morning on horseback for a ride in the countryside and went further afield than usual. After riding for several hours he became lost in a deep and almost impenetrable jungle. Reigning on his horse, he looked about him and was terror stricken as he saw a tiger coming towards him. HE leapt from his horse, quickly climbed a nearby tree, and sat on one of its branches.

The tiger came to the same tree and sat on its haunches, waiting to devour the king whenever he came down. Seeing this, the king began to test the branch on which he was sitting, to make certain it was strong enough to bear his weight. But as he looked along its length he was filled with fear, for he saw that two mice, one black and one white were gnawing away at the branch where it joined the tree.

"What can I do?" the king exclaimed, almost beside himself with terror. "I am trapped and there is no way of escape!"

He looked down and at the ground to see whether the earth below was hard or soft. But here another terrifying sight met his gaze. Beside the tiger, there was a huge python with its jaw wide open, waiting for him to fall. The king trembled with fright.

As he clung to the branch wondering what he might do to save himself, he suddenly saw that honey was dripping from a branch above his head. He began to lick it and as he did so, the honey had an amazing effect. The king, absorbed in its sweetness, soon became completely oblivious to his danger.

The tiger, the mice and the python were all forgotten as he became more and more enchanted with the taste of marvelous honey.

In a short time, of course, the mice gnawed through the branch. It fell to the ground, and the king, with happy smile on his face, was killed.

Who is the king in the story?? We are. Kaal / Niranjan is the tiger which watches all our actions and keeps account of every minute of our lives. The white and black mice are day and night, and they are cutting down the tree of our lives. A day gone by will never return. The python is the death or the funeral pyre or the grave that waits to consume us-the grave that tells us, according to Baba Farid, "Ultimately, you have to come to me, so why fear death?"

The honey is the world and its ephemeral pleasures, whose taste seems so sweet. We are so absorbed in the world that we do not notice its dangers. In fact, we say to ourselves, "This life is sweet. Who has seen the next?"

[P.S. Image - Cocoon by *keiiii -]

Saturday, February 06, 2010


Hey Anu,

Welcome to my blog, am glad you liked it!! Please feel free to give any kinda feedback, will be gladly received!!

Love and Peace,