Saturday, August 22, 2009

Holding the Innocence

Innocence, hmm so one more soft charcoal and a second conceptual art!! It is Soft charcoal on A3 size cartridge paper, took around 70-75 mins.

The reason I liked this pic is coz immediately brought a thought, a feeling and a concept in my mind. It brought the emptiness in me, joy in me, happiness in me ans sadness in me, so in short, this pic makes me feel "haSpApDy" !!

The reason is, I really loved the lovely pic of holding a child in hand and the way it is presented. But on a second thought, it made me think, Wish we can hold Innocence!!

How wonderful it would be if we had a child-like innocence. Some people may feel how rubbish!! We have to grow with time!! an adult cant think or be like a child!! And then I thought surely, we have to mature with time, but does maturing mean losing ur innocence, Why do we have to start wearing masks and not be Innocent as adults!!
Why cant we retain that purity at heart when we turn adults?!!

How beautiful the world would be if we can hold that child like innocence??!! On a deeper thought, seeing the objective way, the world of adults is not much different than that of children, children fight for toys, adults for cars, property, actually, everything, children play games together, and adults too play games, but with each other and we can go on with such comparisons, but see the difference and u'll get my point. Adults dont have innocence in them , no way to forgive and forget, children may fight one second and play together the next minute, but fights of adults lead to wars!!!

when children try to imitate adults, they say, its not a child game!!

I say, when it comes to purity of heart,truth,love, forgiveness, Innocence, I wud say, "ITS NO ADULT GAME!!!"

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Okay, so now a conceptual art from my end, this ones something new and my first one in this domain. The concept is as its title suggests, "Adhyatma", Spirituality!! Here the eyes are that of the Durga or Devi who hold the highest place in the spiritual chakras. The circles are nuthin but the representation of human body made up of "Nine Doors", that is the nine openings of this body. two eyes, two nostrils, two ears, two from the bottom, and mouth and the tenth door being the Third eye, the tenth gate, through which the spiritual journey begins. The yellow dot, the twelfth one , is nuthin but representation of soul, which is entering the Third eye, and then a spiritual level behind the Third eye, which hold the "Sahastra Dal Kamal", the thousand-petal lotus, is represented by the lotus in between. The background, which is composed of brown color, represents nuthin but "Bhuvan", that is Earth, and hence the Human society. here is what was goin on in my mind when I made that...hope its not an overdose of Spirituality, ha ha...neways thats the way I think, so cant help it!!

And yup...thnx to the friend who suggested me to write about the concept, shuru mein thodi jhijhak si thi, to write or no, but then ultimately, I went ahead with it, So, thank Darren for that!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Today, is "INDEPENDENCE DAY"!! Now here although it is the day when India got freedom, I would like to celebrate it as an "Independence Day", a day which basically signifies "Freedom", freedom to live free as a bird, to think, feel and act as an individual feels like (but obviously without any unethical involvement ha ha!!).

So today I wud not only like to congratulate and salute all those who had fought FOR the freedom, here I am emphasizing on for is becoz I think basically the fight fought by the Indians was FOR the freedom, and not Against anything, if at all, it was against the injustice, and since that was done by some british people all british people are not subject to be responsible for their deeds and hence due respect to all, I salute all those who have not only given their lives and their families, which truly deserve the respect, not only on such selected days but in fact the realization of their sacrifice shud reside in our heart all time,but also those who some or the other way have contributed towards the betterment of the society and fellow human beings.

For me even a person who manages to bring a smile on a sad face is equally respectable and equally working towards the betterment of the society. So I truly respect such millions of unknown people, acknowledge their well being and hope they even keep inspiring others to do the same.

And hence I wud not only say "Vande Mataram" but "Vande...each and every such individual" who has in some or the other way has given something to the society from which we get so much.

Freedom is not just bound to the boundaries. The actual Freedom wud be the freedom of expression, freedom of being what you are, which is very rare and almost extinct in our society. People in our society generally have a mindset of certain things to be in a certain way, but each individual has his own right to live their life the way they want. Who has given warrant to others to judge and force people to have certain way of behaving. Why do we slap our opinions on others but rather try and understand the others perspective?? Leave the society, how far are we stretching our hands and welcoming the not so coinciding thoughts of our own family??...Are we?...I dont think....hardly any one of us does!!

So on todays day, just remind ourselves, remind and not just limit to the day, the freedom. Lets give and take this freedom. Only in such way we'll truly be "FREE", "LIBERTY" will only then truly be achieved and only then we can really say, from heart its our "Independence Day" and we are a free society now, not just India but a free human society!!

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Simple & Sophisticated ;)

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Here comes one more abstract from me!! Since past few days, hadnt been doing any art, since had to join my job...was preparing from almost a week before and last week , the work , and this left me craving for doing some art work!!....I was so eager, that I am usually neva awake late, but even after all days work, I was awake till 1 am doing this work!! Although it was new for me, but it was quite late night and hence I liked the peace with which I could do it, in daytime, with all the hulla-balooh going around doing arts can be annoying at times, especially when a child is around, yup, my cute litte devil, my niece, when around its hard to do nethin!! seems my strokes are improving and layers becoming more controlled and uniform!! I think with more practice I can improve in paintings too!!Amen!!